
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Prenzlauer Guard

GW Chaos Knights converted into Blood Knights. The unit was painted in August 2013. The WIP post can be found HERE.

The Prenzlauer Guard - a small, but very hardy unit of guardsmen employed in the von Greifen family since the time of Laurentin von Greifen. While they were sworn to protect him, they were bloodthirsty enough to quickly jump at the occasion of a rebellion against their deranged sire when teamed with Constantin, Sorin and Lucan. When times are calmer, they are working as lesser governors of keeps and camps in the von Greifen's lands. When riding to battle, they all sit on giant, black, undead chargers outfitted with heavy armor lacquered with bloody red paint. Carrying giant weapons and eager to jump into the fray, they are far from the subtlety preferred by Constantin. Still, being able to obliterate hardened units with a single charge ensures them a stable place in the vampire's army. This reliability - despite their once proven unloyalty - is thanks to how easy it is to manipulate them.

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