
Saturday, July 22, 2017

Doina the Forsaken

'Ghost' from the Reaper Miniatures 'Bones' range, painted in July 2013. The first model I painted for my undead army and that's mostly because I wanted to try out Vallejo Glaze Medium on it. That medium mixed with Goblin Green and Enchanted Blue was everything that was needed for her. All the other spectres, spirits and ghosts in my army were painted using roughly the same method. On the tabletop she serves as a Tomb Banshee.

Doina the Forsaken, Constantin's first successful summoning of something else than a zombie - a spirit of a long forgotten woman who roams the nights searching for victims to play pranks on. Despite being quite senile (even for an ageless ghost!), she's still quite capable of frightening people to death with her scream. Von Greifens use this ability happily - if she's able to understand their commands, that is.

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