
Sunday, February 19, 2023

Sir Thierry Sagremor, the Battle Standard Bearer

Now it's time to show off the sons of my main guy, Earl Sagremor. The oldest one, presented here is carrying the Army Battle Standard, a big fat centerpiece for not only his big KotR unit, but also the whole army. However, I already did one fancy standard for them, so I had to do something extra here. Not wanting to suffer an even more elaborate freehand, I just built more details around it all. The WIP post can be seen HERE.

The painting was a little annoying, because the banner itself is metal and I had to handle it a lot as a separate piece, there was so much chipping. And because there were so many colors and textures there, it took a fair amount of time too. The brave knight underneath the standard is rather straightforward in comparison, even the freehands around the barding are rather subtle. Still, I am very, very glad he is done.

A small sidenote - his helmet was the origin of the unicorn that appears on the main family's coat of arms.

Fullsize image is in higher resolution than usual. This model is so high, it was quite difficult to take good photos!

First son of the well-regarded Earl Sagremor, Thierry was under a lot of pressure from his youngest years. Friends and enemies, nobles and peasants, everybody was judging him at all times - and to not break under all that, he just had to become the best version of himself. Thierry embraced the rules of chivalry, devoted himself to studies and thrived in battle. With his unwavering faith, he became a Grail Knight in a very young age - a true paragon to be admired. Because of that, there was no one better to carry the banner that Earl Sagremor commissioned when he took his position. Now Thierry can be found always on the front line, bringing not only the banner for everyone to rally behind, but also his courage and unparalleled skill. Unfortunately, to achieve all that success, he had to bury himself as a person underneath all the virtues - in private he’s a very cold, strict man with almost no personality to speak of.


  1. Excellent work - he looks amazing!

  2. Ta prawa ręka to musi być mięsień na mięśniu :D

    1. Megaręka to jedyna mutacja Chaosu akceptowana w całym Starym Świecie, bez niej żaden system oznaczeń na polu bitwy nie mógłby funkcjonować.
