
Sunday, February 26, 2023

Sir Estienne Sagremor, Knight Errant Cavalier

The penultimate member (and a champion) of the Knight Errant unit and the second son of Earl Sagremor, the main leader for the whole army.

Because of this important position in the story, I had to do some simple conversions to make him stand out. A horned helmet for the horse was a must, then a cloak and an extra pauldron. A little, but it fits a champion for an unit of youngsters. He also got that little hawk on his hand - I always liked that bit that came with the knights' box, but I didn't have a good excuse for it - until now.

Also, as you can see, his base is a little more busy than usually. After redoing the bases on my pegasus knights, I decided to bring the whole army in this direction - and Estienne here is just the first one to get it after that change in policy. All the group photos from now one will feature upgraded, fancy bases.

His WIP post can be seen HERE.

Second and youngest son of Earl Sagremor, Estienne had a much easier childhood than his brother. Without as many expectations placed upon him, he had time to develop himself as a person. While he’s prone to jokes, carefree behavior and being led by women way too easily, it would be foolish to dismiss him as a spoiled brat. Estienne still tried to emulate his brother at least a bit, so he still grew into a fine knight and a capable leader. Leading a lance of like-minded Errant Knights, he’s always eager to prove himself in the heat of battle - and so far, this approach worked very well for him. If just his father would let him lead more autonomously, that would be perfect.


  1. As ever, great work. I really like the bird too. I'm amazed more people don't follow this blog: the painting and converting is really good.

    1. Thanks! I am glad with whatever following I have now, especially those few trusty commentators ;) This is mostly for myself either way - and people moved to other mediums too. I'm doing not too bad on Instagram.

  2. Rycerz, nie dość że z koniem, to jeszcze z ptakiem w ręce. ;)

    1. Jakbym prowadził plebiscyt na najlepsze komentarze to ten by się nadawał w jakiejś kategorii ;P

  3. Kolejny udany członek rodziny.
