
Sunday, August 28, 2022

FKB XCVI: Size Matters - Brutogg Corpse-eater WIP

Just like last month I hosted that little game of trying to model something to a given topic, here I am participating. The topic given by Bahior was "Size does matter" - which fit perfectly with an idea I had in mind.

I actually got Cursed City when it was originally released, one of the last reasonably priced boxes... and then it stood on top of a shelf for a year. Here I am trying to kickstart it somehow.

You see, I really love the style of the minis for this game and I'll be using most minis as they are, but an ogre without a big belly and a gut-plate? I can't stand that, size indeed does matter here! I did some conversions to put some meat on those bones and make Brutogg into a chubbier chap. HERE is the original for comparison. I have some other similar small changes planned and after that I can start tackling this monster of a boardgame.


  1. Basior jak się patrzy :) Wystawiasz na próbę moje postanowienie że modeli z Cursed city nie będę konwertował - teraz już zawszę będzie mi na tym modelu brakować brzucha :D

    1. Mnie od razu zdziwił, myślałem że to jakiś wyrośnięty człowiek ;) Bez brzucha to nie robota! Dzięki :)

  2. Ech, a gdzie te groteskowe proporcje, które miały Ogry z WFB? Ale konwersja ładna.

    1. Ten bardziej celuje w schyłkowe WFB, gdzie ogry były po prostu grube :P Dzięki!
