
Sunday, August 21, 2022

Knights of Bretonnia, group shot 01

There was some popular demand for a group shot, so here I am as promised, with the first group shot of all the knights that I painted this year (so no oldies from 2010).

Unfortunately, seeing as I paint them rather randomly, we have some Knights of the Realm here, as well as the Errant Knights, there is no banner and the colors are unbalanced. Final units have some more thought put into them, so please wait for that - but in the meanwhile, it's actually very nice to actually see them as a proper group. I got most of my Bretonnians in ages long gone and only now I am getting close to seeing them as they were supposed to.


  1. Rycerze świetnie się prezentują!

  2. I dla takich właśnie postów warto czekać. Super podsumowanie ogromu pracy nad tymi modelami!

    1. Dzięki! Wciąż nie wygląda to jednak tak fajnie jak w podręczniku do Bretonni, chyba całą makietę muszę sobie potem zrobić ;P
