
Sunday, June 28, 2020

Blood Bowl Star Player - Bilerot Vomitflesh

With this guy, it's finally time to close the drawn-out project of Nurgle Star Players for Bloodbowl (WIP post HERE). After Tolly Glocklinger, Guffle Pusmaw and Bulla Shardhorn I have Bilerot Vomitflesh, a hardy citizen of the Empire turned into a mighty Nurgle Bloater.

He's rather simple on the pitch (just a strong, reliable guy, no gimmicks) and the painting was also simple - just following the same color scheme as earlier with the Putrid Punters. I really like how his pose turned out - he looks really sporty, not just a WFB warrior with weapons clipped off - so the final effect is still quite pleasing to me.

After their first won match in this new season, the Putrid Punters went to a bar to celebrate their unexpected victory. Unfortunately, the Nurgle table (current regulations require bars to separate it from the rest of the interior) was already taken by a single bloater. Not knowing the current scene very well, the Punters didn’t recognize the star Bilerot Vomitsflesh and got into an argument, demanding him to move away as if he was just another random chump. Bilerot, a bit insecure about being the least known Nurgle star, became extra angry - a fierce fight ensued. After the dust settled, amongst the rubbles of the bar, with no winner in sight, both parties were forced to pay for the damages and help with the repairs. The whole experience allowed the Punters to weirdly bond with Bilerot - they cleared up the misunderstandings and praised each other’s hardiness in the brawl. In the end, the star left his agent’s scrying number, telling them to give him a call if they want to play Blood Bowl one day together.


  1. Teraz to już całkiem jak z żurnala. Szczególnie podobają mi się tkaniny (cieniowanie portek, brudzing przy ranie tyłku i brudna biel podkoszulki) oraz minimalistyczna, a dobrze pasująca podstawka.

    1. A ja go zostawiłem na koniec, bo mi się najmniej ciekawy wydał, a ludziom proszę się nawet podoba ;) Dzięki za komentarz!

  2. Najważniejsze, że drużyna ma sponsora i w markowych spodniach biega.

    Kolejny świetny model. :)

    1. Trzy paski bardzo pasują do Blood Bowla - i do biegania i do bicia! Dzięki :)

  3. Elegancka robota bardzo fajnie wygląda
