
Sunday, April 26, 2020

Blood Bowl Dark Elf Head Coach - WIP

As I mentioned in the Orc Head Coach post, I kitbashed a trio of staff members for the noble game some time ago - and after the beforementioned greenskin, it's time for a nasty elf!

The coaches are used mostly for flavor, for their effect on the game is minuscule (but at least they're free), but I enjoy the modeling opportunities that arise when trying to represent all the staff. With the new team from GW sporting dragonskins so extensively, this Black Ark Fleetmaster model was also an easy choice for a coach of my Dreadspear Dragons.

As far as conversion is concerned, I took away his overly fabulous hair and replaced it with a prominent baseball cap - on which I added a little topknot to make it more 'elf-like' and reference his original locks somehow. Then, I took away the hook from his left hand and gave him a book (I think of him as a novice coach, so he still needs to learn!) and stuck a spyglass in his right hand - because it works with the hand position, fits him to observe the match and references the marine theme of the whole mini. Finally, he's standing on a deflated ball - one which he punctured himself with that sharp peg leg.


  1. Czy on ma przebitą piłkę pod protezą nogi?

  2. Jak zwykle u Ciebie - świetny dobór elementów do klimatu (konkretnej drużyny i blood bowla w ogóle). Czapeczka rzeczywiście nader wydatna.

    Nie jestem pewien, czy zwykłeś partycypować, ale - tak czy siak - zapraszam do wpisania jednego z majowych postów w tematykę Figurkowego Karnawału Blogowego :)

    1. Myślę, że GW zribiło swoją drużynę pod tego typka, więc nie było trudno się dopasować ;)

      A w karnawałach uczestniczę jeżeli mam na biurku akurat coś pasującego pod temat bez przesadnego naciągania ;) Może tym razem coś wykombinuję!
