
Sunday, November 3, 2019

Blood Bowl Big Guy - Sloth the Sloth, the Rotspawn

There was the WIP Post and a long Step-by-step sculpting process, now it's finally time to finish this project and post the painted version of my (mostly) scratchbuilt Blood Bowl Nurgle Rotspawn, the cute Sloth the Sloth.

I painted him in the same color scheme as his teammates, only this time flesh was the overwhelming majority of everything that was to paint. To make it more interesting, I tried varying the shades on him - with some parts redder, some greener, some darker and duller. To further that, I also freehanded some fine veins in some places, like on the boils and the bulbous part of the main tentacle. Then I applied some gloss varnish on all the swollen fleshy bubbles, tentacles and the eyes - especially the eyes - and he was basically ready. Green shirt, bony spikes and black armor were just accents here. In the end, I am pretty happy with him and I hope I can mess with some elven game plans with him now!

His name was taken from my version of Putrid Punters that I had in Blood Bowl 1 video game - the names are randomly generated there and the Beast rolled a coincidentally redundant name, so I decided to keep it because it fits and it's funny - also as a memento from those times.

All the design principles and ideas for this creature are explained in the WIP post, linked above but also HERE.

Weirdly named (Nurgle himself choose it, who are we to argue?) Sloth the Sloth is the Punters’ Rotspawn - and as his name suggests, he is always a little late after the team’s reappearance in the world. But once he shows up, the game starts for real - for the creature is known for his affectionate character, stealing the hearts of the audiences with his antics and gluing the opposing team to the pitch with his friendly licks. So determined he is in his need for pats and love, he can force his way through the blocks of less experienced players! Sadly, Sloth’s heart is really vulnerable to rejection, making him whine and sob in the middle of the field - so he almost always needs his teammates nearby to assure him that he’s a good boy.

A scratchbuilt, painted miniature of a Rotspawn / Beast of Nurgle for Blood Bowl - made out of green stuff, with small conversion bits added. It has a wrinkly face with beady eyes, resembling a pug and a long tentacle sticking out from the head - everything with all matter of Nurgly boils, pustules and wounds. Its body is pale yellow, with added hues of green and red for variation. The miniature is visible from several angles.


  1. That is remarkable. I love it. The sculpt and the painting. Could be a new favourite of your work.

    1. Many, many thanks! I'm also really proud of him :)

  2. Pomalowany wygląda jeszcze lepiej. Nie mogę odżałować, że nie robisz modeli dla szerszej rzeszy odbiorców :(

    1. Może jak wygram na loterii i nie będę się musiał martwić o pieniądze ;) Dzięki!

  3. Ależ paskudny kawałek... modelu. :)

    Fajnie mu oczy zrobiłeś.

    ♫...czarne oczy
    Śnią się czarne oczy
    Ich nie przeoczysz
    Wiem że nie
    Jej piękne czarne oczy
    Widzę czarne oczy
    To za mną kroczy...♫

    1. Bardziej niż wzmiankowany przez kolegę utwór przez te oczy (i układ rączek!) ze Slothem kojarzy mi się kot ze Shreka. Bardzo interesujące zestawienie milusińskości z obrzydlistwem. Słodka ohyda :P

    2. @qc - teraz to muszę tą piosenkę dołożyć do soundtracku za każdym razem jak Nurgle będą na boisku ;) Dzięki!

      @potsiat - to też trafne zauważenie! Podoba mi się to porównanie, właśnie o to chodziło ;) Także dzięki!

  4. Excellent work. I think this might be one of your best.

    1. Thank you very much, I really appreciate this, I worked really hard on this one :)
