
Sunday, September 2, 2018

Zombie Legion - Idol Statues

Part of the Zombie Legion

When I was at the end of my zombie-building process, when I was completely out of suitable models and cool ideas, I filled the missing places with those statues. I planned it like that since the beginning - seeing as those are scratchbuilt, I needed only milliput, greenstuff and a free base - I could easily make them exactly as much as needed. They would also help to bring this chaotic mass of corpses a little bit closer to the Slavic theme of this force.

I thought I would make them stand alone on those 40mm bases, but they would become either way too thick or the base seemed empty. That's why the three ones seen on the top of the picture got a single zombie each to make them a little bit crowdier. Two below are kinda opposite - I wanted both the spider and the whipper to stand on something that would elevate them and those wooden idols were a much better idea than using a simple, boring stone. The minis were there first, statues came later.

I will make a tutorial in the future about building and painting those.

Giant sculptures depicting old gods, heroes and ancestors, carved out of whole tree trunks are a common sight in the Varsavian wilderness - it’s difficult to move through the land without stumbling upon at least one of them. Despite their true meaning becoming mostly forgotten today, the villagers still care for those idols - not wanting to anger the old spirits and being somehow proud of their old cultural heritage, something that makes them different from other people of Kislev. Boyars tend to ignore this sentiment because the villagers still pay their taxes and it's much better than worshipping Chaos.

Several rectangular bases of fillers for a Zombie Unit of tabletop miniatures. First - kitbashed, infantry zombies standing around scratchbuilt slavic idols. Then - one normal zombie with a whip and an undead spider standing on top of the idols. They are all shown from several angles.


  1. Amazing scratch-building on these statues. They really do capture the theme. All of them are great but I particularly like the spider. It looks completely disgusting. The sense of movement on it is just right!

    1. Thanks! It was really difficult to set up that spider, so I really appreciate the comment :)
