
Sunday, September 9, 2018

Great Basilisk - WIP

And now something different - a Chaos monster! I bought him kinda like I did with my Boyar earlier - not because I intended to use it somehow on the tabletop, but because it would fit in my Slavic-themed collection. While a cockatrice isn't a particularly Slavic beast, a basilisk certainly is! It was probably the second mythical monster I heard about as a child - after the dragon from Krakow of course.

While it's a good base, I didn't find the GW Cockatrice to be 'basilisk enough', the rooster aspect of it wasn't as pronounced as I would like - and the most important feature of the beast, its eyes, were also way too small. So I made new eyes out of greenstuff and built all the fleshy parts around them to make it resemble a rooster a little bit more. I also didn't like the weird claw the original sculpt had on the end of the tail, so I just cut it off and sculpted a normal, scaly tail. I bent the wings a bit too, they were unnaturally straight and flat - thankfully it's very easy to do such changes in resin with just some warm water.

EDIT: The finished model can be seen HERE.

A single converted Chaos Cockatrice miniature on a square base, converted to look more like a Basilisk from Slavic folklore. He has a normal, snake tail, big eyes an a rooster's crest on his head, all sculpted out of greenstuff. The mini is usable in Warhammer Fantasy Battle (WFB) or Age of Sigmar (AoS).

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