
Monday, October 30, 2017

Varsavian Wretches

A unit of 50 ghouls painted in March 2014. 30 of the bodies used are Games Workshop and 20 are from Mantic Miniatures, but almost all of them have GW heads. This makes some of them look 'partially' feral and ghoulish, a mixed bunch, which I like. Getting the shade of their skin was troublesome - I wanted to have it brown and dirty, but then the green was getting lost in it. Lots of washes and glazes later, they look like dark orcs... I would probably repaint them at some point if I had the time.

Hunched, wicked and cannibalistic creatures known as Ghouls or Wretches roam the lands of Varsavia, hiding on the marshes and in the forests, digging through graveyards, looking for dead or alive to devour. While they are not undead themselves, packs of them often accompany unliving armies in hope of an easy feast. Necromancers can’t exert their will over them like they do with the dead, but strangely enough, vampires can force them to do their bidding with enough willpower and authority. Small groups of them usually followed von Greifens when they were marching, but big hordes of them were brought only after meeting Haralamb Gudvanger. He alone is able to boss them around effortlessly, strengthening any army needing durable and vicious infantry.

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