
Monday, October 30, 2017

Ghost of the Ice Witch

The current GW Cairn Wraith painted in April 2014. Wanting to give her some Slavic feel, I added the braid inside the robes. I also wanted her to be part ghostly, part real - thus the green bottom of her robes - but the effect got lost somehow in my opinion. The cold effect on her hands turned out quite well, though.

A spirit of a witch who plagued the Kislevite countryside hundreds of years ago. As a young woman she lured and killed naive village boys with her charms, later she would stalk the wheat fields during the reaping seasons to kill people with her scythe. Using ice magic empowered by blood sacrifices, she kept the superstitious peasants at bay for very long. At some point, the governor of the land got bothered enough to organize a witch hunt, captured her and killed in a public execution. The amount of hate she gathered against her along the years and her own guilty conscience made her unable to go properly into the afterlife. Thus, it was easy for Constantin to bind her to his service - even as an immaterial apparition, she retained skill with a scythe and her ice magics still work in the form of deadly cold touch.

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