
Monday, October 30, 2017

Monsters from the East + WIP

GW Vargheists painted in March 2014. I bought the set mostly to get Crypt Horror bits for my upcoming Zombie Ogres conversions and these were kind of a side-effect, but in the end, the turned out quite cool and worked well on the tabletop too! I needed to do them in my typical vampiric red + blueish gray, but I didn't want them looking like thinner copies of my Varghulf, so I decided to make their skin dark instead of light. I also added some striped 'texture' to their flesh and black patterns on their wings. It was all a bit tedious, but also made them more interesting.

Giant mutated vampires created brought to Varsavia by Lucan returning from the far east. Nobody knows for sure, but they seemed to be created in a similar way to the giant Fledermaus, but the process had to be much more refined and meticulously planned. Their mind is even more degraded, but they retained much of their vampiric speed and gained the ability to fly. While Lucan and Sorin like them for their honest love for bloody violence, Constantin finds them much too hard to control after let loose. Still, they are a very useful tool for making hard-to-reach enemies disappear into a bloody mist.

And here's also the picture of the unpainted champion of the unit, the Vargoyle, as the rules were naming them. I didn't like those little wings that were supposed to mark them, so I converted one of the Vargheists to be a little more imposing than his comrades.

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