
Sunday, November 27, 2022

Blood Bowl Markers - 'Infected Pallid Ale' Kegs

Continuing the streak for my beloved Blood Bowl Team: the Putrid Punters! Thematically related to the previous entry, the Horticulturist, here I am with some tasty, healthy and organic beer.

There is a generic upgrade for every team, the "Bloodweiser Kegs/Babes" which are supposed to reinvigorate the players after they are knocked out - and having some neat marker for those is easy enough. Still, for my Punters, I wanted something special, something that would fit well their alternative take on biology. I had this giant bell laying around and it was a perfect use for it. The second one took some more thinking, but I think it's not worse - a walking gland full of beer, which could be distributed through a fleshy tube - a more organic approach. Both were based on 40K poxwalkers - those small guys are perfect for generic Nurgle dudes. WIP post can be found HERE.

The painting was even better than converting in my opinion. First, there was this giant bell and metal is always welcome. Secondly, the sacs showing between the fleshy bits on the right one were supposed to look half-transparent, showing some contents inside - I never painted something like this, which is also nice. Thirdly, after all was painted I had to do all the water effects, with a large amount of resin in the bell and even more beady foam - also lots of fun. I'm quite satisfied with those.

Another note - I painted many nurgly and undead pieces in my hobby career, with its fair amount of gore and unsavory details, but in my opinion, the "walking keg" is my most disgusting miniature by far.

Edit: Forgot to mention, but this another entry for the small challenge "If not minis, then what?", so about what would you be doing if not hobbying. If I had this crazy amount of time, I would definitely try brewing my own beer. Perhaps more palatable to humans that this thing here.

While most Blood Bowl players and fans love to drink copious amounts of Bloodweiser, the Putrid Punters are beer snobs who bring their own hand-crafted kegs to every party, dismissing famous brand as watered-down parody of real beer. Created in their microbrewery by good Mr.Rotlaug, the Infected Pallid Alle (I.P.A.) is their beverage of choice - with just the right amount of foul bitterness mixed with tangy aftertaste of decay. They bring it to matches either in giant bells or drink it straight from the tap. Only with this behind the sidelines they can be expected to get up from knockouts more often.


  1. O fuck! Jak zrobiłeś pianę? Normalnie wow!!!

    1. Wielkie dzięki! Piana to malutkie szklane kuleczki (wypełniacz do kołder) zamoczone w błyszczącym lakierze z odrobiną farby. Fajna sprawa, rozwijam teraz te możliwości dalej przy innych nurglowych glutach ;)

  2. Piękne w swojej obrzydliwości. Papa Nurgle musi być dumny!

    1. Wielkie dzięki :D Mam nadzieję, że mu zasmakuje!

  3. Deeply unwholesome! That's really well converted and painted.

  4. Przeszedłeś samego siebie. Wszystko tu jest genialne. Ropnie wyglądają jakby miały zaraz pękać, kufelek zweatherowany jest wzorcowo, a technologia wytwarzania piany wyewoluowała chyba od poprzedniego wpisu, bo w kuflach wygląda niesamowicie. Czad.

    1. Bardzo dziękuję za długi komentarz, dzięki! Piana w kuflu wygląda inaczej, bo bazą do wszystkiego był normalny Water Effects, który mi się bardzo intensywnie spienił i zrobił bardzo realistyczną robotę :D Dopiero potem na to poszła sztuczna piana.
