
Sunday, May 31, 2020

Blood Bowl Nurgle Head Coach - WIP

As you could see with the Plague Doctor already, I couldn't leave my beloved Putrid Punters alone when other teams were getting staff members - so now I'm back with that topic, bringing you a WIP version of my properly massive Head Coach for those diseased and disgusting.

I had plans for this mini for a very long time now, but just about the only thing I was sure was using an ogre's body - the rest was being invented as I was going. This naturally proved to be problematic, as I was really unsure of several design alleys that I wandered into... Still, he is as he is - almost completely covered with greenstuff, becoming almost a humanoid version of my Rotspawn, especially with that big tentacle! To give him some Roman elements, tying with the loose theme of the team, he has a laurel on his cap and a piece of cloth vaguely reminiscing a toga. It's all only superficial because he's a 'modern' character just barely trying to fit in his ancient team somehow.

I can also admit that this is the first project (or a phase of one) that I did in its entirety after getting into the "hiatus", rather than just continuing it from the olden times when I had plenty of time for hobbying.


  1. Wow, he is impressively unwholesome! Great GS work too!

    1. I like that phrase, impressively unwholesome :) Thank you very much!

  2. Motyw z wyrastającą tabliczką z łapy tego jegomościa mnie rozwalił :)
    Dobra robota!

    1. Zaplanowałem to jako mackę oplecioną wokół tej tabliczki, ale w sumie tak ciasno to tam ulepiłem, że w sumie może być i sklejona tam na stałe :D dzięki!

  3. Czadowe! Świetne robota z tym GS :D Fajna poza - prawie da się słyszeć ochrypły głos poganiający zawodników

    1. Dzięki! Poza pokrzykiwacza ogrów rzeczywiście jest wręcz stworzona do tej funkcji :)

  4. Z prążkami na macce toś już przesadził!

    1. Masz na myśli tą wyrastającą z ramienia? To akurat (zielony) plastik, kawałek od Poxwalkerów do WH40K ;)

    2. Uf! W takim razie nie przesadziłeś :D
      Zostaje mi pochwalić nawiązanie do rzymskiego klimatu, koślawe paznokietki i "marynistyczną" narośl na twarzy.
