
Sunday, March 1, 2020

Hiatus Announcement

I am not the guy to bore people with personal details, but I also don't like things when things happen and nobody knows why - so, on a bittersweet note, I am announcing a hiatus in my progress here. The bitter taste is because hiatuses are always a bad thing - and the sweet is because the reason for this is my family got bigger a little more than two weeks ago - I am raising my own little Nurgling (he's not too fond of cleanliness)!

I gathered some backlog photos and considered myself ready to cruise on them during those difficult and sleep-deprived weeks, but the reality overwhelmed me. The last post about Viktor von Greifen - I took photos of that mini the day before the little one was born - and the process of editing and writing, which normally is done in an hour at most, took a whole week this time... This means that even if I have that backlog, conversions, the next Blood Bowl Match Report and other goodies, I am afraid I won't be able to edit them in time - so I decided to announce this hiatus here.

Ideally, I will be still posting every week, only with artwork and my older stuff, if I am able to, while waiting for the times when I'll find some extra time for the hobby (hopefully before he goes to school). If not every week then every now and then. I'll be around to comment and exist in the community, to keep myself at least a bit engaged and avoid losing sanity. Thanks for everyone visiting here and enjoying the content that I produced so far!

Also, to keep this post from being too dry, here is a quick doodle that I made of the little Nurgling which indeed brought a lot of beloved Chaos into my life:


  1. Nie pozostaje nam nic innego jak pogratulować!!! To jest wspaniała nowina. Życzę wytrwałości!!!

    1. Dzięki, wytrwałość to mi się teraz przyda! ;)

  2. I dobrze, co masz mieć łatwiej niż reszta blogujących ojców. Co nie Pepe? ;)

    Poza tym, ktoś musi odziedziczyć Twój talent. :)

    1. Się zastanawiamy z żoną czy pójdzie raczej po mnie w sztuki plastyczne czy po niej w muzykę, zobaczymy ;)

    2. Ja już mam odchowane. Więc inne problemy :D

    3. Ale znajdujesz czasz malować 150 modeli na rok, czyli musi być wcale nieźle ;)

  3. Congratulations on the little nurgling! Your work will be greatly missed, but I reckon he takes priority!

    1. Many thanks - both for the congrats and the kind words - things like this make me want to go on ;)

  4. Serdeczne gratuluję Państwu skutecznego rozmnożenia, choć jednocześnie wyrażam żal, że mniej będzie w internetach figurkowego dobra. Tym bardziej będę czekał na kolejne posty. Sił, snu i pociechy z pociechy!
