
Sunday, October 13, 2019

Blood Bowl Nurgle Team - Rotspawn WIP

The mighty Bloaters, the 'fast' Pestigors and the fragile Rotters are painted, but a Nurgle team is nothing without the Beast (or a Rotspawn as it is called now)! There are the official one from Forge World, GW minis that can be repurposed and many other third-party options, but I couldn't find one that I really liked. The obvious solution in this situation was to make my own from scratch! I have been sculpting Nurgle guts on existing minis for a long time now, so this shouldn't be that much more difficult.

First design principle was to make it 'ugly cute', like HERE - the picture that inspired me the most. Beasts of Nurgle always had the background of having a puppy-like mentality and I wanted to show this quality, despite the 'official' art direction for new Rotspawn. To achieve that, I gave it large, round eyes - which will be painted glossy black - to get that 'puppy eyes' effect and a wide grin with tongue sticking out. During the sculpting process, I also decided to make its face flat and with many folds to make it similar to a pug. The arms are also posed like that to get that 'pet animal' effect.

The second design principle was to make the tentacle really important. In the game, the 'Tentacle' mutation that the Rotspawn possesses from the start dictates it's the whole role on the pitch and plays a giant role in the whole team's strategy - and most miniatures used for this creature have their tentacles stuck to the head or the back, almost like an afterthought. I wanted this sticky appendage to be an integral part of the whole miniature - so I designed it as an extension of the beast's head, the tentacle IS its head! Only from that main one smaller ones grow out to make the whole composition more wriggly and untidy.

Other than that, it was your usual Nurgle pleasantness, with open wounds, sucktion cups, toothy maws, spikes, boils and many similar. In the end, only the pauldrons, three spikes on the back, a nurgling on the side and two maws are made out of existing bits, all the rest was sculpted by me - I used all the greenstuff that I had on hand at that time. I am pretty happy with this result and now I can't wait to put some equally sick colors on it!

A scratchbuilt, unpainted miniature of a Rotspawn / Beast of Nurgle for Blood Bowl - made out of green stuff. It has a wrinkly face with beady eyes, resembling a pug and a long tentacle sticking out from the head - everything with all matter of Nurgly boils, pustules and wounds. The miniature is visible from several angles.

Before I started all the greenstuffing, I did a plasticine 3d-sketch, to get the scale and proportions right. I still had it after the finished model was done, so I made a comparison photo of them together - I find it interesting to see how different and yet similar they are.

The miniature from the image above, compared with its much simpler, black plasticine 'sketch' showing their differences and similarities.


  1. Ja... pierdziu ;)
    Nie myślałeś żeby profesjonalnie rzeźbić dla jednej z polskich firm jako freelancer. Taką pacynkę to bym z miejsca kupił.

    1. Wielkie dzięki! Niestety, jakby to było odgórne zadanie to pewnie hobby przestało by być tak fajne jak jest teraz - kiedyś myślałem, że naprawdę uwielbiam rysować - do momentu aż na studiach był nakaz rysowania... Może kiedyś ;)

    2. Zgadzam się z przedmówcami - zawodowo. Jak nie chcesz się profesjonalizować, to może chociaż społeczne warsztaty dla kolegów :D

    3. Warsztat warsztatem, ale bez talentu nie porzeźbisz. Przynajmniej ja nie mam do tego smykałki, tym bardziej doceniam i zazdroszczę. :)

    4. @potsiat - jeżeli chcesz warsztatów, to zacznij od przyjrzenia się nowemu postowi ;)
      @qc - na każdym kursie rysunku na którym byłem zaczynali od mówienia, że 'talent nie istnieje' ;) Choć motywacja do tego, żeby brnąć przez pierwsze trudy to inna sprawa... Dzięki też ;)

  2. Też bym kupił tego 'słodziaka'. Pepe dobrze pisze. Szkoda, żeby taki talent się marnował. :)

    1. Także dziękuję ;) W sumie, może kiedyś się przyjrzę jak sprzedać kilka kopii na kickstarterze albo innym crowdfundingu... choć to brzmi jak mnóstwo zachodu, który można spożytkować na malowanie figurek ;P

    2. Cóż,rozumiem. Z tego samego powodu wciąż odrzucam zlecenia malowania za pieniądze, choć może jak już pomaluje wszystko dla siebie... :)

  3. Fantastic sculpting! You've really captured the concept of the Beast. Great work!

  4. You are happy ! Well, you can be proud !
    Can't wait to see it with some colors

    1. Many, many thanks! The painted beast should be up in less than 2 weeks - it's looking quite promising now! :)
