
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Blood Bowl Additional Players - Dark Elf Assassins

The Assassins Astrys and Ezion are here - they are a part of the Dreadspear Dragons Blood Bowl team. Minis used are the official, unconverted Dark Elf Assassins from Forge World.

They took more time than the rest of the team because all the glazes on their cloaks took much more time than I expected. I wanted to do something extra on them, but adding fancy freehands would just clash with their rather 'stealthy' look - so, getting inspired by the Forge World paintjob I decided to paint a gradient there, only making it a bit smoother and more pronounced than theirs. Other than that, they try to keep the same scheme as the rest of the players.

Also - I know how bad reputation those poor Assassins have and how almost nobody likes to use them in the game, but the models are still good (especially the female one) and I considered them way too iconic for Dark Elves to just ignore them. We'll see how they'll fare on the pitch later!

The usage of assassins has been steadily dropping during the last seasons, mostly thanks to coaches collectively deciding that they are just not that useful on the pitch. Still, some teams continue to use them - and one of them are the Dreadspear Dragons. Astrys and Ezion were brought from faraway lands (funny accents!) for two reasons - first, show the spectators some real, bloody Dark Elf play - and to secondly, actually stab some stubborn knuckleheads from time to time. Well, that and maybe throw a ball once a while. They might be rookies, but their acrobatics and incessant attempts at stabbing their opponents always bring eager spectators.

2 painted miniatures of Dark Elf Assassins from Forge World, for Blood Bowl, one male and one female, in a purple color scheme and a black-red gradient on capes.


  1. fajne przejścia kolorów na pelerynach, dobra robota:)

  2. Many thanks for your recent comment on my blue wizard. I like the skin colour you have used here, really goes well. Are those purple shadows?

    1. You're welcome :) And thanks too, glad you like them - but I don't really understand what you mean by purple shadows... :/

    2. Especially on the guy on the right the skin seems to have a purplish hue in the darker areas. Must be my mind playing tricks on me.

    3. I did use some light purple on the shaded areas, so that's right, no mind tricks there - but it's much more pronounced on the photos than in the real life...
