
Sunday, February 24, 2019

Zombie Legion - Two Creeps

Part of the Zombie Legion

A small update today - the penultimate sub-part of the legion, the two creeps. I separated them from the rest because they don't really fit anywhere else and are still too distinctive to lump them together with the 'miscellaneous' group. They are from Reaper Miniatures and are known there as Dreg Devourer and Slinker. I bought them when I was looking for more bodies to fill space with - they are good sculpts and fit the rest of my undead pretty well.

One night, two mortal humans approached the vampires in Varsavia. They told the story how they have been traveling between the villages and towns, exploiting them, cheating and stealing. Now, they found about the undead rulers in the land and they wanted to offer their services, as guides or spies - hoping for protection in exchange. The small one was even trying to concoct some sort of agreement, which just reeked of loopholes and precise wording for them to use later. Constantin killed them, raised them as zombies and only then answered that he didn’t need any more help in that matter - not from such nasty human dregs as them and especially not from someone trying to cheat and manipulate him.

Two dregs from Reaper Miniatures painted to be used as a Zombie unit filler - one of them on a bigger base with a scratchbuilt tree.


  1. Bardzo fajne miniatury. Tak z ciekawości ile Zombie jeszcze ci brakuje do pełni szczęścia ;)

    1. Dzięki! Zombich nigdy za dużo! Ale i tak, tyle co chciałem do tej pory już jest zrobione - teraz po prostu jeszcze pokazuję wszystkie mniejsze grupki i podzespoły i tyle to zajmuje ;) jeszcze tylko jedna grupka i to będzie wszystko jak na razie.

  2. Sympatycznie jegomoście, nie ma co. :D

    (Idę po miotacz ognia, zaraz wracam. ;) )

    1. Z pewnością, żeby zapalić ognisko, bo koleżkom w takich ubraniach z pewnością jest zimno ;)

  3. Ten z procą ma bardzo fajną, nieoczywistą pozę :)
    Malowanie jak zawsze prima sort.
