
Sunday, October 14, 2018


Continuing with the ancients, here we go with the second liche. This one is a model from Frostgrave - I found it when I was looking through their range, looking for something fitting to incorporate in the Zombie Legion. With his pointy hat/helmet and ragged robes, he was perfect as another liche - I didn't have to think long about buying him! The painting scheme is the typical one for wights/liches - and while Mertvet was interesting because of how much fabrics he had on him, this one has just the right amount of clothes, bones and metal parts and I think he turned out pretty well.

The second one of Daremnych's lieutenants was Belomor - an eager Varsavian priest that tried to convert some chaos tribes to his indigenous beliefs. He was found and saved by the Great Priest just when he was about to be sacrificed by the barbarians. After that, he quickly took faith in the Death God, the one that spared him after his old gods ignored his pleas. Soon enough he proved to be one of the most fervent members of the cult - spreading the faith however he could, by force if necessary. He was also known for always maintaining a kind, fatherly attitude, even while burning the villagers one by one to make an example for the rest. Killed during one of such spectacles and only now raised, he wants to show the unbelievers that he went too soft on them the last time.

A single Liche miniature from Frostgrave on a square base, adapted to be used as a necromancer in WFB or AoS. He has metal details painted to look like verdigris and various robes in red and black.

And now I can show Daremnych with both of his lieutenants/disciples together. Now my wights have some magical support!

A collection of Liches standing together - one from Otherworld Miniatures, one from Frostgrave and the middle one a Necromancer Lord from Avatars of War.


  1. Bardzo dobrze prezentuje się ten 'przyboczny', a podobne freehandy dają efekt spójności. :)

    1. Dzięki! Mam nadzieję kiedyś zebrać całą to gromadę w jednym miejscu, myślę, że mogą się fajnie razem prezentować :)
