
Sunday, July 8, 2018

Zombie Legion - Elves

Part of the Zombie Legion.

The Dragon is taking a lot of time to paint, so I'll be showing some zombies in the meantime. This time, some elves.

I had some elf miniatures laying around, but I was never really fond of using them as zombies. They are all very clean, many of them with cloaks, robes - and the minis themselves, with their elves proportions, don't look very good if mixed with parts from the zombie kit. All of that makes it quite difficult to turn them into undead. Despite all that I added a small amount of them to the legion - even if it's only to have representatives of every race in the horde. Still, I think they turned out pretty ok - I especially like 'Lokhir Fellheart lite', the one with a standard crammed into his torso - and the wood elf with a bloody face. The High Elf one is from the old Cursed Company set, no converting needed - you can see other miniatures from that set in my collection, you can find them HERE.

Elves don't show up in Varsavia very often but Constantin can still boast about having few members of the elder race in his rotten legion. Some of those were parts of the Druichii slave raids, some were scouts operating in the Old World and some even fell from the sky after one of their aerial battles. Unfortunately, after being raised they don't retain their legendary skill or agility, so those zombies are just weak and frail versions of the human ones - with them it's probably more about collector's value than anything else.

Tabletop miniature zombies for my horde unit - 5 elves, two Wood Elves, Asrai, two Dark Elves, Druchii and one High Elf, Asur, from the Cursed Company - who is also the standard bearer. Besides him, they are all converted to look dead and mangled. They are shown from the front and the back - and they are all standing on square bases.

And the second picture, an undead dark elf mistress whipping her zombie sub. The idea came to me when I was looking for usable bits in my Dark Elf Dragon box. There are two body options there, a male lord and a female sorceress. I wanted to place either one of them on a log and look silly, but I didn't know which one should I take - the sorceress won in the end because giving her a whip was an excuse to add someone being whipped in front of her, cheaply taking even more area using only 1 model more. That and the lord could be used for some vampire conversion later on, maybe. I added some trees to the bases, sculpted half a head for her, a new back for him, painted them - and a small BDSM action in the middle of the rotting horde was done. You can see the unpainted version HERE.

Tabletop miniature zombies for my horde unit - a unit filler. One base is taken by a headless Dark Elf zombie sorceress sitting on a log, readying a whip to scourge a human zombie running on the second base. This little double diorama is set in a forest, with trees and foliage.


  1. Very nice conversion and paintjob!

  2. Świetne konwersje i porządne malowanie. Oddział wygląda bardzo dobrze, ale dopiero na tych zdjęciach widać Twoją pomysłowość. :)

    1. Wielkie dzięki! Dlatego właśnie wrzucam te zbliżenia, chcę pokazać wszystko to co się gubi w tej wielkiej masie nieumarłych ;) Tym bardziej się cieszę, że ludzie to doceniają!
