
Sunday, April 8, 2018

Zombie Legion - Bretonnian Peasants

Part of the Zombie Legion

My another collection that is still waiting to be finished are the Bretonnians. I got into that army because I really wanted to design and paint all kinds of different heraldic symbols, creating a big, happy, colorful mess. Then I moved to collect undead - a pursuit that proved to be much interesting in the long run - but my love for those dirty peasant and shiny knights remained still. So when I had to get some more bodies for the horde, buying some men-at-arms was a perfect solution. With their big shields, they were also a perfect occasion to paint some coat-of-arms. Every single one of those emblems is taken from a chart I prepared long time ago when I was planning my collection of knights. This will make for a nice connection between two armies when/if I'll get to paint the Bretonnians someday...

I hoped that they would bring some color into the horde, but I severely overestimated them in that regard - they make only about 5% of the whole horde - so they don't change that much. If I was to turn back time and do it once again, I would buy more peasants. But I am not doing that and they'll have to do as they are. That's good too because I was running out of ideas how to make them into interesting zombies that would also look bretonnian enough.

Zombies drawn from Bretonnian peasant levies are a common sight in the horde - ever since the conflict with the knights from a long time ago. Their colorful uniforms bring some variation to the undead mass - and that’s about the only thing that makes them useful - malnourished peasants from Bretonnia make bad soldiers even when alive. Still, Constantin likes to collect their coat-of-arms not only as a grim memento of past battles, but also to mock the hated knights that keep trying to hunt the vampires down.

And pictures of the single zombies from that unit:


  1. I totally forgot about bretonnian infantry while assembling my zombies!
    Thanks for reminding - might steal some ideas to expand my horde...

    1. Well, I'm glad to help and provide some ideas. Maybe you can come up with more ideas about zombiefying them ;)

    2. First I gotta get a single sprue of Bretonnian soliders :)

    3. Nie wiem jak na allegro, ale na ebayu mnóstwo ludzi sprzedaje bretońskich piechociarzy. Inna sprawa, że to są w zasadzie zawsze sklejone figurki, a nie wypraski...

      (Po komentarzach na Twojej stronie zauważyłem, że możemy mówić po polsku ;) )

    4. Możemy - publikujesz po angielsku więc się nie wyłamuję ;-)

  2. Pięknie! Obejrzałem wszytko cały legion ale ten unit porwał moje serce 😍.

    1. Wielkie dzięki! Ten oddział rzeczywiście cieszy się niespodziewaną przeze mnie popularnością ;)
