
Saturday, February 3, 2018

Zombie Legion - WIP #9

Even more zombies - I managed to build yet another two units. That was the end of October 2017. Here is how that new messy rabble looked like:

And now for some highlights of that part. First, the spiders. Because who said that only vertebrates can become zombies? Only something had to be done about those static and monopose models. Shame that they were so hard to work with - it was quite difficult to cut the legs away from the body - I did that with a red-hot scalpel, really testing its heat resistance. Setting them up in new positions also required lots of pinning. Good that I didn't have to do so many of them - three here, with one more coming up later. They will be a great occasion to try doing stringy gore out of glue and paint.

Here are some single miniatures, two made out of 40K chaos cultists and one elf. One in the middle is supposed to be a victim of an alleged Viking execution method called the blood eagle.

The tree of the dead. An idea I had for quite a long time - it came to me when I noticed how many of those cage bits I had laying around. It was also good to use that 'hanged zombie' as intended for a change. Aptly, yet another creepy cultist is overlooking it.

And last ones of this part, more trolls to accompany the one I did earlier. The first one, an Undead Troll from Reaper Miniatures got refaced a bit to resemble a classic WFB Stone Trolls - because I really like them. The second one is from Frostgrave and it was nice and undead enough to not need any conversions - and that's rare in this project.

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