
Sunday, December 24, 2017

Gudvanger's Monsters

Converted zombie Ogres from GW - serving in my army as Crypt Horrors - painted in May 2014. The WIP post with the unpainted conversions can be found HERE. As I wrote there, I chose ogres because I wanted my crypt horrors to be much bulkier than the standard option - and to have more than 3 poses. Ogres may only in two poses, but the hands can be reposed and there's a TON of customization options. That allowed me to make every one of them somehow special. Painting all the flesh, grime and wounds was interesting and fun. It was also the first time I used liquid green stuff to add some texture to smooth surfaces - which can be seen on the champion's hand blades.

Being capable at stitching corpses into larger entities, the monstrous Flesh-stitcher Haralamb Gudvanger is almost never satisfied with normal reanimated zombies. He instead binds them together into much larger creatures, adding and removing parts as he sees fit, creating true monstrosities. His minions are endlessly scouring Varsavia in search of bodies (alive or not) to drag them underground to their master's lair. There Gudvanger can hack, saw and stitch it all to make his flesh-wonders. Being usually based on ogres, the resulting monsters are extremely resilient, relentless and mindlessly loyal to their creator. Weapons and bodies of those monsters drip with poisonous reagents used by Gudvanger to keep the rot away - even a small bruise inflicted by them can mean death to a living being. They serve as the main force of the Flesh-Stitcher forces and as heavy 'mercenaries' von Greifens pay dear prices for.

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