
Sunday, December 3, 2017

Gudvanger's Monsters - WIP

I wanted to have some Crypt Horror, but I used the original kit to make some Vargheists and I didn't want my Horrors to be too similar. So, the right way to do it was to convert some ogres to do it - and I always wanted to paint some ogres. I got 8 of them and converted them into stitched frankenstein-monster-things and it was very fun to do - the ogre kit is perfect for conversions - them being larger than normal minis and such. It was also a great opportunity to use all the different bits I had laying around. I plan to expand the unit and have 15 of them in all. Or maybe 18?

The painted versions can be seen HERE

The first two, the champion of the unit (4 attacks of course) and the 'head horror' - sculpting that last one was a blast - and by that I mean quite creepy.

Next two - the 'standard bearer' and the 'battle damage' one. First one was the reason why I had my Corpse Cart built with a whip instead of a spear. The second one was worth some trouble when I tried to drill through him and it got so hot that the plastic melted and almost fused to the drill inside - getting it out was quite a challenge - so it pays off to be patient when doing some things.

And some more of them - one is a Frankenstein Monster / Kratos from God of War mix and the second one is the obligatory 'hole in belly with guts spilling out' one. Seriously, so many undead ogres I found in the internet were done this way!

And last ones - a chaos themed one and a dark elf themed one.

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