
Monday, October 30, 2017

Kiril the Woodsman

GW Krell, the Lord of Undeath painted in January 2014, finecast. The first wight character I painted - and his painting scheme was just a logical extension of the way I did my Grave Guard. This time the yellow freehands got a little more illustrative - and that will also prove to be the staple of my wights. His axe was also a good excuse to paint some marble.

During his life, Kiril was a sturdy lumberjack in the thick forests of Varsavia. He felled innumerable trees and many chaos marauders that wandered near his house. This lasted for many years until a big war between Varsavians and Chaos forces rumbled through his forest. When the ancient soldiers led by the summoned Avatar of the Death God found themselves being pushed back, Kiril himself was able to pulverize a big enemy camp when he finally stumbled upon it. After that, he was invited into the army and barbarians quickly learned to fear the sight of a burly man with a two-handed axe, especially after he took a liking to take the enemy armor for himself. Dressed as a chaos warrior, he became a hero, a living legend amongst the Varsavians - a Bogatyr, as they called such people. While he wasn't that much of a tactician, he made up for that with his death toll. After his death, he was laid in a ceremonial tomb along with the magic armor made from northern scraps and a special cursed axe made from green marble - a gift from the prophet. Being a revered hero, the rituals laid on his dead body were much more potent and necromancers weren't able to suppress his will - Kiril retained all of his old memories. Still, he was willing to fight alongside his wight comrades in defense of Varsavia - doing what he does best as always.

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