
Sunday, March 26, 2023

Sir Armand du Plessis, Knight of the Realm Gallant

It's been a long time since we've had a Knight of the Realm here, so here we are back with a converted unit champion to get this thing rolling again. His WIP was presented HERE.

The idea with him was to make a cardinal-like knight, inspired by heraldry of cardinal Richelieu. Quite a lot of bits were used to make him special, but I think the paint makes most of the work. I had a lot of fun painting all that red, going against my usual multicolored approach to Bretonnians. I also realized that this whole project is a very good exercise in painting basic colors! I hated pure black and yellow for example, but now I find them quite pleasant and manageable!

This guy also starts a big batch of Knights of the Realm, so be prepared to see quite a lot of them here.

Donning the deep crimson of his very wealthy and influential family, Sir Armand de Plessis is very recognizable - and his presence always means trouble to those not devout enough, truly or just perceived as such. While he always proclaims to be driven by love, that’s the love of a very, very strict parent, one’s that not afraid to draw blood when teaching lessons. Acting almost like a male priest in a very important sanctuary, he commands a lot of respect amongst his fellow knights, so it’s only natural to act as their commander. This way he’s also close to his men to search for any kind of foulness or heresy.


  1. Jak Ferrari! Da red wunz go fasta!

    1. Breta i tak już jest szybka, to się prosi już o jakis mandat!

  2. Wpatruję się w zdjęcia z prawdziwą przyjemnością - majstersztyk. Ja to się malowania bretońskich rycerzy z moimi umiejętnościami boję :P.

    1. Wielkie dzięki! Z bretą to nawet nie zawsze umiejętności, ale czas jest potrzebny ;) A że ich sobie kupiłem w czasach gdy czasu miałem mnostwo, to teraz mozolnie przez nich idę...

  3. oj, metale na hełmie to jest coś.
