
Sunday, December 18, 2022

Plague Marine #01

And we're back with the (un)usual programming - first of the Plague Marines to serve great Lord Krvavrus and his Red Death. This one is probably my favorite of the whole batch, so he goes first.

While the painting process of those dudes is easy and rather mindless, it took much more time than I anticipated, thus the last filler post. Still, I managed to paint a whole group of them and I'll be posting them one by one because first, they are all really unique, not just rank-and-file and second, so that I can have some time to paint bigger things like standards for Bretonnians or to convert some war machines vehicles for the Red Death.

This is still an experiment when it comes to weathering, it will probably take several rounds of those before I find something that really satisfies me. At least the color scheme works good IMO.


  1. Świetny! Nie ma co się rozpisywać, bo po prostu jest świetny!

    1. Dzięki! Niezły początek eksperymentu z taką zbroją ;)

  2. Replies
    1. Niezamierzenie, ale stylówka rzeczywiście wyszła pod niego ;)
