
Sunday, October 30, 2022

Karel the Black, the Commander

Third Sokolov vampire for the collection, after the red one, the white one, here comes the black one. I even managed to find two variants of the model, so I was able to get him both mounted and dismounted.

A horse was unavailable for him, so I had to find something else. Through a weird trick of fate and horrible post service in Germany, I actually have two Bretonnian Green Knights... one of them will be actually used in my Bretonnian collection, but the second one was rather redundant, until I found that this vampire fits very well. This gives him a lot of extra flair. Shields were also missing, so I found them some replacements, simple ones to accomodate some emblems. Just like with Havel, I needed to add some detail to their clothes and barding and let's say that black isn't a very easy color to get it right... Everything is either completely drown in blackness or turns everything to grey. I tried finding some equilibrium and it kinda works, but I think it would be much more pronounced and pretty if I wanted to have him blue or green.

He's also my proposal for the "Mirror, mirror" challenge amongst polish bloggers - with an idea/character mirrored into something different, yet similar. So, instead of a chivalrous Green Knight, I have a cruel Black Knight, on the same horse model.

Three male vampires serve lady Ecaterina Sokolov - the red warrior, the white bodyguard and the black commander. The last of them, Karel the Black, is most usually tasked with leading his mistress’ forces. Brooding, cruel and with strong personality, this one, while still loyal, is the most independent amongst his comrades. Good quality for a commander, but this also makes him an unpredictable servant, ready to object Ecaterina’s orders more than anyone. She tolerates this, because in the end he cares deeply for her interests, even if he thinks his means are better. During the battle with von Greifens he was on a diplomatic mission, so Ecaterina had to lead herself. Next time Karel will lead and make sure that his mistress comes up victorious.

It was difficult to make photos of both models (the lance takes so much space!), so here they are once together and then separated.

Leader mode:

Fencer mode:


  1. Jak zwykle wzorki wszelakie rozwalają system. Ciekawie również wygląda zestawienie wampira z koniem od G.K. IMO na plus!

    1. Wzorki pozwalają też trochę oszukać płaskość cieniowania na płaszczu ;) Dzięki!

  2. Świetny dobór kolorów i fantastyczne freehandy!

  3. Czadowe malowanie. Wpis na FKB zaliczony:⁠-⁠)

  4. Bardzo mi się podobają te wampirze klimaty, w tej kolorystyce i na takim poziomie malowania!

  5. Najładniejszy Green Knight od dawna :D Świetny płaszcz, spójne, mroczne malowanie i mocna paleta.

    1. No to zobaczymy jak wyjdzie mi normalny Green Knight ;) Dzięki!
