
Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sir Chiegane, the Questing Knight

While I have some more of my usual programming ready and painted, I wasn't able to take any photos of them in time - so, we're back to some old Bretonnians again.

I believe I painted this Questing Knight champion around 2010, together with some of his compatriots. That was also the time when Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire was much more okay for me than it is today, so I was eager to put heraldry from those series onto my knights. Seeing as this guy here is wielding a two-handed sword and has a modest, but scary skull on his helmet, I decided to make him carry a Clegane emblem with three black dogs on a yellow background. Other than that, he's pretty unremarkable - besides the sculpt of course - it represents one of the best times of GW's creativity in my opinion, but that's not thanks to me.

While all the knights who are on their quest for the Holy Grail are removed from the traditional, feudal chain of command, Earl Sagremor can usually depend on some of them to lend their hand when a conflict arises on his lands. Those men come and go, but one of them has been enduring his quest for many years now and he's usually serving as a leader and mentor the others on a similar path - Sir Chiegane. While he tries to keep it a secret to himself, he enjoys his current state - without any seniors to lord over him, without any traditional duties or responsibilities - only the vague 'quest'. This allows him to enjoy his life a little bit more than many of his peers - so, Chiegane is in no hurry to actually find the Grail. Not that the Lady will be willing to grant it to him, seeing as his morals degrade with every passing year. Sooner or later, Green Knight will force him to decide what he wants - you can cheat the system, but not the higher powers.


  1. Bardzo przyjemne malowanie. Miejmy nadzieje, że Bretonia kiedyś wróci.

    1. Dzięki! Także mam tą nadzieję i nawet myślę, że w choćby małym stopniu się spełni, ostatnie kreacje GW były dość niespodziewane IMHO.

  2. Very nice! I always really liked the questing knight models.

    1. Thanks! Surely one of the best - better than the Grail Knights in my opinion :)

  3. Fajnie ci ten żółty wyszedł. Porządnie pomalowany model. :)

    1. Fajnie wyszedł, a mówią, że to jeden z trudniejszych kolorów.

    2. Wielkie dzięki Panom - nienawidzę go malować, a podejrzanie duża ilość moich rycerzy wyszła choć trochę żółta, jak do tego doszło, nie wiem ;)

  4. Podoba mi się, żółty nie jest łatwym kolorem do malowania, a ty sobie z nim dobrze poradziłeś.

    1. Dzięki ;) Jakimś cudem dałem radę, żółty jest okropny!
