
Sunday, March 27, 2022

I'm back, I guess?

I wonder if someone even still reads this...

So, after more than a year, I finally managed to put myself together, dust off all the brushes and paints - and actually started painting again. Sometimes I was worried I would never go back, but thankfully that wasn't the case - it would be really bad for the pile of shame. In the meantime, I received several Kickstarters, did a lot of home improvement, got through a covid, managed to buy one of the last available Cursed Cities, only to find it re-released by GW much later and played a lot of video games. I also installed much better lighting in my workspace and intend to do my photos at night, with reliable lamps, without relying on natural sunlight. All the editing really killed my motivation back then.

Still feeling a little rusty after the break, I decided to start with something clean, easy and simple, my ages-old Bretonnians. I will be slowly posting them through the weeks - it's much harder to binge-paint minis than before, free time is scarce, so I can't promise regular submissions. I'll try of course.

Besides, I treated myself to this box of new Chaos Warriors - I had an idea about them for a long time, a brand-new collection. Should also be easy to implement, so that's good too before tackling big, complicated projects again.

Also, a side note - my two-year-old son is also now big enough to be curious about what I'm doing at my desk, a very interesting development to me. He loves all the colorful paints and always wants to use them to change his cars' wheel colors or paint over his Duplo blocks - which is lovely, only if he would understand how expensive those paints are...

Those are weird times we are living in, stay safe out there folks.


  1. We're still here--looking forward to your next works :)

    1. Good to hear, thanks! There will be some Bretonnians before going back to the usual program ;)

  2. Myślę, że czyta to więcej osób niż przypuszczasz. :)

    1. No to tym lepiej wrócić i rzeczywiście coś pomalować :)

  3. Replies
    1. Dzięki! Mam sporo do nadrobienia na Twoim blogu!

  4. Thanks for the post, love to see some Bretonians! My two-year old is also showing some tentative interest, but that tractor paint job is quite impressive.

    1. Nice to hear! I will pass the comment to him - and I wish all the best with the little one.

  5. No w końcu! Ile można czekać ;)

  6. I think I found your blog during your posting hiatus and followed on the offchance you started posting again, so it’s good news for me!

    1. I didn't expect much traffic over that time, so that's very good to hear! I hope I won't disappoint!

  7. Still reading and still enjoying it! After your Blood Bowl guys, I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with that Chaos boxed set!

  8. Welcome back! My son (4) is also a big fan of repainting his hot wheels. Your Bretonnian looks amazing.

    1. Interesting to hear it's not an isolated trend! Thanks!

  9. Welcome back! Good thing I didn't delete you from my follow list then :D
    I'm hoping that my kid(s) will be a tleast a bit interested in my hobby, but time will tell, our daughter is only a year old.

    1. Thank you, I appreciate that :)
      I think to myself that the kids will be at least aware of this whole thing existing and see how a hobby works, so there's that good for them.
