
Sunday, November 29, 2020

Blood Bowl Chaos Pact - Blitzer Marauders

After the most recognizable part of the team - the Renegades, it was time for the cornerstone, the linemen and linewomen - the Marauders.

Seeing as they are supposed to be a rag-tag bunch of mismatched misfits, I decided to play around with the skintones - so everyone's skin is different, both realistic ones and some weird ones. That was both the fun part and the challenge about them, but that's how it is usually. I got a whole 10 of them in the box, so I decided to break them into two groups - both to organize them by their role on the pitch and to fit them reasonably well here. After some tweaking, I chose 5 of them to be the fighty ones and those go in first.

Intent on creating the greatest Chaos team, the goblin headhunter Dugtig gathered the mismatched Renegades and was now faced with finding the marauders somehow. He looked through many of his books and finally found some notes about Kreegans - a travelling band of aggressive Blood Bowl fans. Taking people from all around the world, the Kreegans were united by their love of the noble sport, fondness of riots and pitch invasions, as well as their only vague understanding of the rules. Nobody ever considered recruiting them, but Dugtig was nothing if not unorthodox - while unskilled, their potential was limitless, he thought. The unassuming goblin appeared in one of their camps one day and announced his recruitment - naturally, the response was more than enthusiastic. It was easy to find good violent blitzers - but digging through the applications in search of various specialists would take some extra time.

Here are the girls - and those two were probably the most challenging when it went to their skintone. The one on the left is meant to have a very dark, almost black skin, but with very bright patches caused by vitilgo Vitiligo. I always thought that's a very interesting look and wanted to try it out - and this was the perfect opportunity. The one on the right sports also very dark skin, but warmer in tone - I never painted skin even close to this, so it was also an interesting task.

And here are the guys - your usual brooding agressive types that are well known on the tabletop - with skintones much closer to my usual work - with some tints added. I gave them some simple tattoos to make them stand out just a tiny bit more.


  1. Bardzo fajne. Podoba mi się skóra tego środkowego.

  2. Najbardziej podobają mi się Lah-Cann i Baahn'Ar. Mogliby z równym powodzeniem być mordheimowymi Dark Soulami. Super wyszły też tatuaże.

    1. No właśnie taka dość umowna jest ich 'sportowość', chyba po to, żeby właśnie łatwo dało się je przerobić na bardziej 'standardowe' figsy. Dzięki za komentarz i uznanie :)
