
Sunday, January 19, 2020

Blood Bowl General Staff - Anirion the Weather Mage

One of the reasons why I love Blood Bowl is how much extras there is to the game - coaches, staff, cheerleaders, markers, inducements, bonuses, dugouts, scoreboards, etc. While it isn't necessary to the game, it's all a great modeling opportunity - or an excuse to paint a model I wouldn't use in my collection otherwise - like the miniature shown below today.

I noticed this guy when I was browsing Reaper Miniature's range some time ago - and I really liked the model, but I couldn't fit him anywhere. Then I remembered a cheap staff member one can employ for a single match - a Weather Mage - added in the Spike! Magazine Vol. 2. The effect of such a mage is negligible in most plays and I don't expect to use him very often, but that was enough for me to buy and paint this model.

The sculpt of the mini is really good, but when it came to painting, I didn't have any idea how to represent a 'weather mage'... After some thinking, I decided on adorning the various layers of his clothes with representations of weather, especially those appearing in Blood Bowl - so his hood represents a nice, blue sky, his cloak - rain, sleeves - snow, and the lower robe - sweltering heat. Everything's kept in a relatively muted palette - as I imagine those not-very-useful and poorly-paid guys to be humble and subdued.

Overall, a very enjoyable painting experience - more unexpected miniatures will follow.

After spending many, many years in the Ulthuan, learning the art of controlling the Winds of Magic, Anirion was ready to join the exclusive society of researchers and mages, working tirelessly to understand the fickle nature of Chaos. Unfortunately, he was so single-minded in his studies, he completely dismissed the networking and soft skills needed to reach the position he dreamed of - no matter how often he tried, he was rejected by the elitist masters. Bitter, but still in need to make a living, he applied for a position of a mage amongst the brutes playing and enjoying Blood Bowl. He never cared for the flashy spells used by the Sports Wizards, so he joined the Weather Mages - changing the monumental forces of weather was something much more fitting for such a skilled adept of magic. Only later he learned that the salary is meager, fame non-existent and the chances for networking slim… Well, at least it’s honest work!


  1. Że płaszcz w deszczu strugi, a rękawy w śnieżne płaty to już przegiąłeś! Coś wspaniałego gdzieś pomiędzy fakturą a freehandem. (A skoro o freehandach mowa, szlaczki i logo też zacne)

    1. No się nawet zastanawiałem czy to nie jest przesadzony pomysł ;) Bardzo mnie cieszy, że ten eksperyment się podoba, dzięki!

  2. That's really good. I particularly like the way you've incorporated the colours into his outfit. I think I've got the Bones version of this model somewhere. I ought to have a go at painting him.

    1. Thanks, I appreciate that :) I was really unsure of this whoel idea! And I can recommend him, that's a really nice model to paint.

  3. Dobry pomysł na szaty i świetne wykonanie. :)

    1. Wielkie dzięki, cieszę się że pomysł wypalił ;)
