
Sunday, September 1, 2019

Blood Bowl Nurgle Team - Bloaters

Finally, after much deliberation, I can start showing my beloved, heavily converted Nurgle Blood Bowl team, the Putrid Punters!

I am spending much more time and energy painting those than any of the earlier team, so I decided to separate the positionals into their own posts - this will give them adequate space to show everything and give me time to finish other ones. After everything is done, I will post the whole team together, of course. The color scheme was inspired by their look in Blood Bowl 2 video game, with the yellowish skin. To that, I choose cold, black armor with white markings - and it was a lot of fun painting all that.

First come the Bloaters, which I wanted to paint the most, the biggest and the nurgliest of the bunch. They are also the ones carry the Roman theme of the team the most - which is explained in their backstory. I based my conversion on the awesome Putrid Blightkings kit because I wanted my Bloaters a little more warrior-like and diverse. Like the rest of the team, they are modeled to represent an additional skill they possess, to make it easy to recognize who is who on the pitch.

WIP can be seen HERE.

The Putrid Punters have a very strange relationship with the Grandfather Nurgle - they can play season after season enjoying the favor of their god - until something happens that displeases him and they disappear into the warp without a trace. Many years later the Punters show up again as if nothing happened - willing to spread pestilence and score touchdowns as always. This quirk of theirs is especially apparent when one sees their Bloaters - durable enough to be with the team since the very beginning. They wear armor that remember the warlike times before Blood Bowl, they speak in an aged dialect and block their opponents just like ancient gladiators. Now they are back to show once again that the old ways are the best.

Here the left you can see the Bloater with Jump Up ability - spider legs on his back represent how easier it would be for him to get up after getting knocked down. I did put arm(?)bands on them to make him look more sporty. On the right is the captain of the team, with the very obvious Claw upgrade - easily my favorite model from them all right now.

2 painted Bloaters of Nurgle miniatures for use in Blood Bowl, converted out of Putrid Blightkings using greenstuff, visible from different angles. Their skin is pale yellow and the armor cold black with rusty weathering. One on the left has numerous spider legs on his back, representing the 'Jump Up' skill, while the one on the right has a giant picer for his hand, representing the 'Claw' mutation.

And the other half of the team heavy lifters. The one on the left is a Stand Firm guy, who uses numerous tentacles he has for legs to make him almost impossible to push around. The one on the right has a Mighty Blow skill - I pondered quite a bit how to represent that without straying accidentally into Claw, Big Hand or Tentacles territory. In the end, I made him a thick, fleshy mace for a hand - which not only gives him indeed some might but is also properly disgusting.

2 painted Bloaters of Nurgle miniatures for use in Blood Bowl, converted out of Putrid Blightkings using greenstuff, visible from different angles. Their skin is pale yellow and the armor cold black with rusty weathering. One on the left has tentacles for legs, representing the 'Stand Firm' skill, while the one on the right has a fleshy mace for a hand, representing the 'Mighty Blow' skill.


  1. Czysty klimat. Wciąż zaskakuje, że rzymskie pióropusze tak dobrze zadziałały z mackami, obrzękami i szczypcami :)

    1. Wielkie dzięki! Cieszę się, że się przypodobali, jakoś wyszły im te piuropusze :)

  2. Może to wina zdjęć, ale zdecydowanie brakuje mi tutaj błysku śluzu i ropy. O ile pancerze zostawiłbym matowe, to ciału nadałbym bardziej błyszczący/mokry wygląd.

    Poza tym fantastyczna robota. :)

    1. Jest śluz na ramach, bąblach i niektórych mackach - nie lubię przesadzać z glossy efektami, łatwo przedobrzyć i potem trudno naprawić, dlatego zostawiłem to jako akcenty. No i na zdjęciach pewnie też sie trochę gubią...

      Poza tym dzięki :)
