
Sunday, January 13, 2019

Underworlds Warband - Sons of Skalv

Second Warhammer Underworlds warband is now ready - this time, one based on Garrek's Blood Reavers. You can see the conversions HERE. The whole idea was to get rid of all the ornaments and make them look more like low-fantasy Vikings, turning them into raiders that do worship Khorne and believe is piling skulls for his throne, but know him under a different name and don't know anything about the 'mainstream' cult.

Besides simplifying their sculpts and changing some bits, I wanted to differentiate them from normal Khorne warriors through paint too. I choose pale, desaturated colors and painted their clothes in many different hues, not only red and brown. Their weapons are also simpler and dirtier than the ones proposed by GW. To make them extra special I freehanded some Norse- and Celtic-inspired tattoos on them.

In the end, work on them was a fun experience and I think they turned out pretty well. It was also probably the first time in my life when I painted so much human skin! Now all that remains is the Stormcast warband - they are easily taking much more effort than both other teams combined, several times over!

Another reality that’s reflected in the Withered King’s dreams is the appearance of the barbarian hordes living on the northern coasts of Vechernya. Speaking an alien language, warlike, unwilling to cooperate and worshipping Khorne in all but name, they are almost always at war with their southern neighbors. Sometimes they are pushed back and brought to heel by an organized effort, but they always come back under one name or another. The newest ones are just starting on their own Path to Glory, as warbands rampaging through the southern lands to earn the favor and respect of both gods and their ancestors. One particular group, all sons of a great warchief Skalv is particularly successful. If they will prove their worth and survive, future Vechernyans will tremble before hordes of bloodthirsty raiders, all claiming to be descendants of Skalv.

First, all the brothers together as a whole warband:

The whole Garrek's Reavers warband for Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire together, 5 converted miniatures visible from several angles.

Next, the singular warriors, with Garrek Gorebeard and Bloodbeast Sarrek going first:

Garrek and Sarrek miniatures standing together - their weapons are less ornate, colors muted and dirty and with more hair sculpted on them. They have nordic tattoos freehanded on thier skin.

And last, but not least, the rest of them - Karsus, Targor and Arnulf:

The rest of the warband, 3 miniatures seen from several angles - their weapons are less ornate, colors muted and dirty and with more hair sculpted on them - some of them have different heads to resemble vikings a little more. They have nordic tattoos freehanded on thier skin.


  1. Brudno, brzydko i zielono! Malowanie pasuje do modeli, świetne tatuaże. Podoba mi się efekt końcowy!

    1. Bardzo podoba mi się to podsumowanie na początku ;P Wielkie dzięki!

  2. I to się nazywa doskonała konwersja. Dodatkowo malowanie nadało całości pożądanego efektu "fantasy-vikings". Jak dla mnie rewelacja.

    1. Bardzo cieszy mnie taki komentarz ;) Dzięki, cieszę się, że się podoba!

  3. To, proszę Pana, jest po prostu za dobre.
    Myślałem, że mam dobry pomysł na Garreków, ale tego to się przebić nie da.
    Świetne te tatuaże, świetna paleta barw. Powtórzę za Asterixem - "fantasy-vikings-rewelacja".

    1. Takie komentarze to dopiero cieszą ;) Dzięki! Znając Twoje pracę, pewnie będę sam myślał podobnie - czekam z niecierpliwością ;)
