
Sunday, November 4, 2018

Underworlds Warband - Sons of Skalv - WIP

One day I got an idea about converting some Stormcasts. Not wanting a full army, I decided to get a Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire box. This gave me 5 khorne guys, the second warband from that set, so I had to think what to do with them too! Finding them too golden and ornate, I decided to turn them into much simpler, gritty, Viking-inspired barbarians.

The first thing to do was to get rid of their weapons and replace them with low-fantasy ones - either finding something from my bits box or sculpting them from scratch. Next one was the worrying lack of facial hair amongst them. I understand that GW maybe wanted the leader to stand out a little more with his glorious beard, but that was not enough for me. I replaced two other heads with Chaos Marauder ones, they worked like a charm here. The remaining two got some hair sculpted. Finally, I simplified their armor and got rid of any Khorne iconography, replacing it with a single rune in some places. Fluff-wise I want them to worship Khorne in their own way, unaware of the 'mainstream' cult. They will know the Blood God under a different name, use different symbols, but still believe in the importance of spilling blood and piling skulls for the skull throne.

I must admit, this colored plastic is handy when showing conversions, it's really clear what's the original substance, what's kitbashed and what's sculpted.

EDIT: The painted warband can be found HERE.

Unpainted, converted miniatures Garrek's Reavers warband for Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire - made out of red plastic, with visible kitbashed parts in grey and sculpted parts in greenstuff.


  1. Bardzo ciekawy background i spójne z nim konwersje. Czekam, na efekt końcowy.
    Grzywka Garreka nader urocza ;)

    1. Wielkie dzięki! Przekażę mu, na pewno się ucieszy, że ktoś docenia jego styl! ;)

  2. Konwersje zdecydowanie na plus. Czekam teraz na malowanie. :)

    1. Także dziękuję! A malowanie właśnie robi się ;)
