
Sunday, November 18, 2018

Joachim Messer the Vampire Hunter

Yet another living addition to my collection - a vampire hunter! I always liked this model, but only recently I realized that it could get discontinued by GW at some point - so I decided to order him from the webstore at the earliest occasion. He will complement my undead very nicely. EDIT: GW indeed stopped selling him in august 2019.

Painting him was interesting to me because of two things. First one, I painted him from start to finish in a single day - something which I didn't do for a long time. Nowadays I work on several projects at once and they are all spread out over several/many evenings, but for this guy I wanted to try being more focused - thankfully I had a free day to do such experiments! Second thing, I tried out some new techniques - like wetblending the basecoat, making later shading and highlighting much easier - or painting 'fake' scratches on the leather instead of leaving it as smooth as the sculpt itself.

I inteded him to be from the Ostland province of the Empire - and while he indeed has some black and white clothes under his cloak, they are kinda lost on the finished piece and way too similar to each other - something which I noticed especially well on the photos. I will have to work on those two colors some more in the future.

After Sir Baranowski’s escape, Kislev authorities finally learned that all the undead in Varsavia weren’t just rumours. But before any organized action could be made against them, the boyars wanted to collect information. They already had informants there, but recent events proved them to be ineffective. To remedy that, a vampire hunter from the Empire province of Ostland was brought. He was to gather information about the undead, look for ways to divide them and make their un-lives in Varsavia difficult - mostly by dismissing false myths about Vampires and informing the locals about real ways of fighting this menace. While extremely competent, only time will tell if his extremely dry and serious conduct (as expected of an Empire citizen) won’t discourage the locals and make him just another weird outlander spewing ‘western nonsense’.

An Empire Witch Hunter miniature painted in Ostland colors, wearing a dark red coat and a two-handed sword on his back.


  1. Bardzo realistyczny. Świetne wykonanie!

  2. I ja lubię tego Pana :) Bardzo nieoczywiste rozjaśnianie płaszcza.

  3. Świetne malowanie, najbardziej podoba mi się płaszcz. :)

    1. Dzięki! Akurat na nim spędziłem najwięcej czasu, więc się cieszę, że coś z tego wyszło! ;)

  4. Great painting. The shading on the coat is really atmospheric.

    1. Thanks! The coat was the most difficult to paint, so I'm glad you like it :)

  5. Też jestem pod wrażeniem płaszcza. Super robota i gratulacje, że udało się pomalować ten model w trakcie jednej malarskiej sesji :D

  6. Zacnie wyszedł, a rozjaśnienia płaszcza jak i czarnej skóry bardzo fajne.
