
Sunday, February 4, 2018

Zombie Legion - WIP #11

And in the early December, I managed to build all the four units that I still needed for my great zombie legion. This makes 8 of them - 50 wounds each, 400 in total. Last ones are really plain - I was out of bits and ideas to make them look extra special, they are using standard zombie and Empire Free Company bits. But there are still the statues, that is. Last fillers that I did when I knew exactly how much I need. That gave us also the last spider.

When I built the last zombies in December, I actually lacked three more bases - they were reserved for a boar I wanted to zombify - and I needed to take that boar from home when I was visiting there for Christmas. Unfortunately, I didn't make a photo of it when it was unpainted so this sprayed version will have to suffice. I stuck a lot of weapons in it, covered it with boils and exposed some bone on the face and leg.

And here is the photo of those last 4 units completed, being ready to be based and painted. The stegadon got finished earlier because I used him in a competition on Carpe Noctem. You can see that undead dinosaur HERE.

And this makes it also the last post which isn't about my current work - I managed to post all my archived stuff and the blog is up-to-date. Now I am painting all those zombies - with one exception, they are being painted all at once - basing for all of them, then applying flat colors, then shading and so on - just a one long production line. I will group them up in batches at the highlighting step and post them here, batch after batch, like I already did earlier with the Minotaur or the Stirlanders, for example. There are some things that are on my CN blog that aren't posted here, as I need to reorganize them with the new stuff and then post them here again.

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