
Saturday, February 3, 2018

Zombie Legion - WIP #7

Zombiecrafting continues! These are from October 2017.

Seeing that I went from 350 planned zombies to 400, I needed one more command group - for I had only 7 sets of those. So I built these three guys. The cart for the musician is made out of balsa wood. Below them, you can see some of the more interesting single ones - like two additional creepy cultists, twins too! There's also guy proudly raising the shot bird, while also being pierced with an arrow.

And here are some more imposing beasts. First one is the Gorebeast from a Chaos Chariot - I bought some bits for it to get the horses - and it came with a complete Gorebeast. I made it into a zombie, of course. The second one on this picture is a mummified drake - a miniature from Fenryll. I bought it cheaply on eBay specifically for this purpose. It came with wings, but they were connected to the body rather awkwardly, so I left them out.

Here you can see a Skaven Wolf Rat converted slightly to fit in the legion. This also marked a moment when I used fancy and expensive models from Forge World to be used as lousy zombie filler in my army - I was really running out of ideas for fillers! The second one is a whipper mounted on a Slavic-style idol sculpture - more of those will come later. Idols, that is, not whippers.

Now, some cavalry. First one is a kitbashed Bretonnian 'knight'. It's supposed to look like something a necromancer would build out of scrap bodies, old wood, farming tools and a looted helmet to only resemble a real knight of Bretonnia. The second one is an Empire General - he didn't need much converting to fit in the legion as a headless horseman. The third one is supposed to emulate famous winged hussars. I used a metal horse of unknown manufacturer, mounted a skeleton on it and greenstuffed some flesh. The wings are made out of pieces of sprue with wire and greenstuff for feathers. Below them, you can see an ogre cannon that is being used for some of the more 'shooty' zombies as high ground. It's a great occasion to try some heavy weathering on all that metal.

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