
Monday, December 25, 2017

The Netherpyr

A Terrorgheist from GW painted in August 2015 - the first miniature I painted after moving my whole workshop to Berlin. Weirdly enough, it's not converted in any way. Still, I magentized it's wing for ease of transportation - following a tutorial by Rob Hawkins. It was also his idea to place a 'slot' into the base to field him with a character 'riding him' or not - the process is described HERE. The black tar-pit on the base was my own idea and I documented the whole process HERE.

I wanted to paint him in 'inverted' color scheme - Terrorgheists are usually dark/black with light/white bones - and I went for pale skin and dark brown bones. It made him somewhat different from the standard and also tied him with my other fleshy undead which are also pale green. The execution of that plan, especially on the wings, got messy. Shades were drying badly on those large surfaces and tap-water in my new place was leaving a lot of nasty white residue and it was still difficult to make them look interesting, even with reddened holes in the skin. In the end, I sprinkled him with GW Athonian Camoshade, using an old toothbrush. That made it look grimy, dirty, rotting and much more interesting - since then I add this to most of my fleshy, messy undead.

Netherpyr is a personal pet of the Strigois and yet another reason Gudvanger - and by extension - von Greifens - try to stay on the siblings' good side. Resurrected thanks to their innate magic, this giant monster, still possessing some of its wicked character, quickly made itself known in the Varsavian countryside as the 'Netherpyr' - which is a bastardization of a native word for a bat. The unnatural death shriek it possesses boils the flesh and shatters the bones - thanks to that, it's often called forth when the Varsavian undead fight with the servants of Chaos - for their sturdy armor is not a defense against the agonizing screams of the Netherpyr.

The slot makes it possible to 'mount' a Strigoi Ghoul King (or Queen) on his back. Posts about those two minis can be found HERE.

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