
Friday, October 6, 2017

Ecaterina Sokolov

The Coven Throne, a rather big vampiric chariot finished in March 2017 - plastic from Games Workshop. That was a hell of a project, took quite some time. Challenge for the mini was to really push the red-black-white scheme to the max. It works for the carriage itself, but it gets lost in all those green spirits. But still, in the end, it was all kinda worth it. You can see the WIP post HERE- with the subassemblies and some techniques described.
First are the photos of the whole model.

After returning to their ancient homeland in Varsavia, von Greifens found themselves at odds with another vampire that rose to power during their long absence. A small, bloody court was held here by Lady Ecaterina Sokolov - once a wife of a Kislevite Boyar, now a vampire countess on the lands of Varsavia. Yet despite her pride, her position and forces seemed weak, which provoked brother’s attack. They came out victorious - only barely, though. She kept her own domain in which she still rules unquestionably, together with a personal army - and von Greifens were obliged to defend that land. In exchange, Brothers were free to govern and expand Varsavia as they liked. Before both parties concluded their meeting, the Countess shared a secret with the newcomers - information an ancient Varsavian death cult, which much later led to unraveling the story of wights and their Death God, changing the local balance of power forever. Ecaterina herself, when enraged by something personally, brings down her wrath from upon an exquisite throne loft upon by ancient spirits and accompanied by her two most loyal handmaidens.

And some close-ups.


  1. O panie, ależ tu kawał dobrej roboty. Długo by gadać, co mi się podoba, więc wspomnę tylko naj-naj fragment: freehand na tafli krwi - bardzo złowróżbny i zarazem świetnie balansujący na krawędzi czegoś namacalnego i wieszczonego. Wypas.

    1. Dzięki za zaglądanie w tak odległą przeszłość tego bloga ;P Malowałem ten zbiorniczek z krwią jako najważniejszy element całej kompozycji - głównie dlatego, że nigdy nie widziałem wczesniej niczego podobnego - więc i fajnie, że się podoba :)
